The Careflight helicopter was called to the 1600 block of North State Route 201 in Casstown just after 9:00 pm.
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The man`s boat was seized by authorities during their investigation along with 46 crab traps.
Several people in a Muskegon neighborhood claim that a man who lives in the area has bragged on several occasions about killing cats. They said he sets traps for them in his front yard. FOX 17 was contacted by a woman& ...
New Mexico Game & Fish officials are searching for the man who tampered with a bear trap that was meant for an aggressive black bear. The trap was set in the Sandia Heights neighborhood of Albuquerque following a bear& ...
The Careflight helicopter was called to the 1600 block of North State Route 201 in Casstown just after 9:00 pm.
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